Happy Sunday.
I hope you had and still have a wonderful weekend.
I have been one week to Croatia...
nice weather, clear water, good food, nice people...I can really recommend it.
I have used this Lovely image from Saturated Canary...called "Lovley".
Item used
Image - Saturated Canary
Colouring medium - Promarker
DP - Magnolia
Crispy - LLC
Ribbon - PY Hobby
Lace - LLC
Metal corner - PY Hobby
Pearls - PY Hobby
Flowers - WoC, PY Hobby, I am roses
Addicted to Stamps and more - Anything goes #56
Live and Love Crafts - Warm or Cold Colours # 20
(I go for warm colours)
Party Time Tuesdays - Anything goes PTT#129
Saturated Canary - Anything goes #49
Simon Says - Anything goes
Totally Gorjuss - Anything goes with Pearls #195
Thanks for stopping by.